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Writer's picture Vikki

It's time to get quiet

It has been a while since I committed my thoughts to this page. As usual, it has taken something significant, that I feel I can share to reach out to you and bring this community closer.

As with the words I say in class, the words I write here, they are, as always, the words I need to hear out loud.

I have taken a little distance, since lockdown in the UK due to the Coronavirus; a much needed time to breathe. What strange times these are?

If you’re struggling to navigate it, I hear you, I’m in that place. That’s OK. These are new, challenging, some days frightening times, for us all. Not knowing how you feel about it is also very human, very natural and very real.

It’s time to get quiet. While it feels like chaos out there, we have an opportunity now, to cultivate our awareness and bring our attention into presence; how we feel in this moment, right now. Feeling scattered, unhinged or just perpetually ‘out of sorts’ doesn’t have to become the norm.

"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear" - Rumi

Take a moment with me, to close your eyes, allow your attention to be directed to your breath and observe its natural rhythm; the inhales, the exhales.

Let yourself be centred here, in your body, with your breath and start to notice the thoughts, the emotions that show up for you. However overbearing they may seem, if we can identify them, we can change them. Be here for a few moments, come back to this when you feel ready.

I have been pursuing these practises often, since real life shut down. Some days I have felt utterly hopeless and indeed helpless. That too, is OK. This space has, for me, been an incredible lesson in letting go of any thoughts the mind dictates about how I’m feeling, releasing all negativity and simply allowing myself to feel. Some days I have been in a truly deep and dark place. I know I’m not alone. I know those days will pass, if I can surrender to what is and ride the emotional waves. It has been a truly insightful practise and reinforces to me, that tough times can indeed present opportunities for growth.

What have you noticed about yourself, as you adapt to this life of isolation? I would love to know.

I’m pretty sure that none of us has experience in navigating the waters of a global pandemic so however you are managing it, know that you’re doing your best. We don’t know exactly what we’re doing, we’re anxious and afraid and that’s absolutely normal, but if you don’t acknowledge the feelings, they will eat you alive.

So this is where I am right now, living in the not knowing, living in uncertainty and choosing not to resist it; taking the time to notice and name all the feels and it’s hard to hold that space.

Being overwhelmed, uncertain and feeling unsafe is natural, but we know it won’t be forever. Being disappointed is natural. New experiences don’t always allow us to have perspective, that’s also OK. Don’t deny your feelings.

Bring your awareness to your feelings; speak about them, write about them, notice how their control lessens and the weight lifts.

Take good care of yourselves and those you’re isolating with. Keep patience, compassion and love in the forefront of your mind and be observant, with the love that you have for those closest to you.

This time indeed has opportunity for new habits, new skills; we’ll certainly be changed because of it.

Be aware. Notice. If you feel inclined, share your experiences with me.

I would dearly LOVE to hear from you.

Much love,

V x x

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